I don't like the Heating plus A/C in the apartment

Trying to pay my bills is staggering.

This living an adult life sure comes with a hefty price tag.

There are even a few times when I start to wonder what I was thinking by taking on so much university loan debt. At the time, I knew that I would need a post graduate education to find work in the field that I was most romantic about. However, I am really sick to death with having no money. At least when I was going to school, there was some sort of internal acceptance about being a broke student. By living in this crappy apartment with its terrible Heating plus A/C it was really starting to grate on me. I have yet to find full time employment in our field so I have to work a number of gigs just to stay afloat. When I first got out of school, I was living in this fantastic new spot where the heating as well as cooling system was just superb. I was able to stay there because I was absolutely new home sitting for an entire year. It was heaven as well as I got pretty spoiled. The Heating plus A/C comfort was a big section of it too. I came into the apartment from 1 of our works as well as was able to kick back in comfort even when it was over a hundred degrees outside. That is entirely not the case. When our buddy returned from his gig abroad, I had to find a small 1 family room. Now, I have heat that is set by the property owner. I have zero control over it whatsoever. And, I had to buy an outdated window unit air conditioner to survive the summertime heat. But, it works well if you are within a 10 foot radius. I’m sure hoping that I will finally get 1 of these works that I spent so much money training for.

Digital thermostat

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